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Here at Green Lane we are working hard to continually build links with our local nurseries and pre-schools as well as our feeder Junior School to ensure smooth transition between our settings.

As a school we believe that forming positive attachments and providing our children with the opportunity to visit their new settings as often as possible helps to reduce anxiety during these times of change.

Transition activities that happen at Green Lane Infant School include:
  • Stay and Play sessions for new to nursery
  • Stay and Play sessions for Reception children
  • Parent Meetings
  • Home visits for new to nursery and new to reception
  • Transition week for all children across the school
  • Regular check in sessions for children who join us mid-year
Transition programme for our Y2 leavers including visits to their Junior School and parent meeting

Before you make an application for your child to join us at Green Lane Infant School, you may like to visit the school for a tour; please contact the school office to arrange this on 0116 2627050.

If you or your child are feeling overly anxious about starting at Green Lane Infant School, you can contact our Family Support Worker, Ms. Jethwa.
She will happily talk through these with you and offer activities and strategies to support you at this time.

Transition to Junior School

​The majority of our children transfer to Bridge Junior School for KS2 which is our closest junior school. Transition includes a two day visit towards the end of the Summer term – usually the end of June or early July.
Other transition activities include additional short visits by Junior School Staff to meet their new class in a familiar setting. For those children, who we identify as needing additional transition, this is carried out in partnership between the infant and junior school staffing team.
Green Lane staff meet with Bridge Staff to ensure that information about your child in passed on well in advance of September.