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Religious Education

Our Religious Education Curriculum

At Green Lane Infant school our Religious Education is tailored to reflect and celebrate our multi-cultural, diverse school community. We encourage our children to explore and develop their knowledge and understanding of different religions and worldviews in a local, national and global context so that our children develop their ideas, values and own identities. In line with our curriculum driver of ‘communication’ our children will learn to articulate their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting that other children may have different beliefs to their own. RE promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of children at Green Lane and will prepare them for the opportunities and responsibilities in life.

We follow the Leicester agreed syllabus where our lessons are planned in units around big questions. These are planned as part of our school long term plan and ensure progression in the acquisition of knowledge. RE is taught through discrete lessons as well as through key religious celebrations days and all children perform festival assemblies in each year that they are with us at Green Lane (including Christmas, Diwali and Eid).

Our key RE concepts: understand beliefs and teachings, understand practices and lifestyles, understand how beliefs are conveyed, reflect and to understand values are organised so that children are able to re-visit the key concepts with a particular focus on Christianity and Hinduism.

Collective worship is delivered three times a week, whereby our children can reflect and think about what is important in life and make links to current world events.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

Summative assessing of children’s understanding of each unit of work.

  • Images and videos of the children’s practical learning including seesaw
  • Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice)
  • Annual reporting to parents of standards across the curriculum

Assessments of finished pieces of work

Religious Education can open up a wide range of careers. You could be a:

  • Chaplain
  • Higher Education Lecturer
  • Advice worker
  • Charity Fundraiser
  • Community Development worker
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion worker
  • Youth worker
  • Mediator
  • Newspaper Journalist
  • Police Officer

There are many places and events, local to Leicester which you could visit with your child to develop their knowledge for Religious Education.

Planning visits to religious buildings for example: a temple, a church, a mosque, a gurdwara and a synagogue.

Locally, we have many places of worship:

Our amazing and diverse community shares many religious celebrations throughout the year:

Visit Leicester Cathedral 

Celebrate Vaisakhi

The Eid Festival 

Celebrate Diwali

Celebrate Christmas 



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