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Equality Duty


Our school aims to meet its obligations under the public sector equality duty by having due regard for the need to:

• Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
• Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristics and people who do not share it
• Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

What is the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)?

The Equality Act 2010 introduced a single, general duty for public bodies, including schools, and which extends to all ‘protected characteristics’

  • race
  • disability
  • sex
  • age
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • gender reassignment

Legislation and guidance

This document meets the requirements under the following legislation:

This document is also based on the Department for Education (DfE) guidance: The Equality Act 2010 and schools.

We aim to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, with special emphasis on promoting equality and diversity, and eradicating prejudicial incidents for pupils and staff. Our school is committed to not only eliminating discrimination, but also increasing understanding and appreciation for diversity.


Aims to Eradicate Discrimination

We believe that a greater level of success from pupils and staff can be achieved by realising the uniqueness of individuals. Creating a prejudice-free environment where individuals feel confident and at ease is a commitment of the school. This environment will be achieved by:

  • Being respectful
  • Always treating all members of the school community fairly
  • Developing an understanding of diversity and the benefits it has
  • Adopting an inclusive attitude
  • Adopting an inclusive curriculum that is accessible to all
  • Encouraging compassion and open-mindedness

We are committed to having a balanced and fair curriculum. We believe that our pupils should be exposed to ideas and concepts that may challenge their understanding, to help ensure that pupils learn to become more accepting and inclusive of others. Challenging and controversial concepts will be delivered in a way that prevents discrimination and promotes inclusive attitudes. We will also respect the right of parents to withdraw their children from certain classes which pose conflicts to their own beliefs.

Dealing with prejudice

We do not tolerate any form of prejudice-related incident. Whether direct or indirect, we treat discrimination against all members of our school with the utmost severity. When an incident is reported, through our thorough reporting procedure, our school is devoted to ensuring appropriate action is taken and a resolution is put into place which is both fair and firm.

Roles and responsibilities

Our children are taught to be:

  • Understanding of others
  • Celebratory of cultural diversity
  • Eager to reach their full potential
  • Inclusive
  • Aware of what constitutes discriminatory behaviour

The governing board will:

  • Ensure that the equality information and objectives as set out in this statement are published and communicated throughout the school, including to staff, pupils and parents
  • Delegate responsibility for monitoring the achievement of the objectives on a daily basis to the headteacher

The Headteacher will:

  • Promote knowledge and understanding of the equality objectives amongst staff and pupils
  • Monitor success in achieving the objectives and report back to governors
  • Ensure there is an annual focus on one of the nine protected characteristics

The Deputy headteacher will:

  • Support the headteacher in promoting knowledge and understanding of the equality objectives amongst staff and pupils
  • Support the headteacher in identifying any staff training needs, and deliver training as necessary

The school staff will:

  • Promote diversity and equality
  • Encourage and adopt an inclusive attitude
  • Lead by example

The school staff will not:

  • Discriminate against any member of the school community
  • Treat other members of the school community unfairly

Equality and Dignity in the Workplace

We do not discriminate against staff with regards to their:


  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marital or civil partner status
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Equality of opportunity and non-discrimination extends to the treatment of all members of the school community. All staff members are obliged to act in accordance will the school’s various policies relating to equality.

We will guarantee that no redundancy is the result of direct or indirect prejudice. All disciplinary procedures are non-prejudicial, whether they result in warnings, dismissal, or any other disciplinary action.

Prejudice is not tolerated and we are continuously working to promote an accepting and respectful environment for our school community.

How Does Green Lane Infant School Comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty?

We have a range of policies which make explicit the school’s commitment to actively promoting equality of opportunity for all. The main policies that deal with equality of opportunity are:

  • Accessibility Policy
  • Equality and Diversity policy
  • SEND policy
  • Positive Behaviour policy
  • Anti-bullying policy
  • Religious Education Policy
  • Relationships and Health Education Policy
  • Curriculum Intent



Green Lane Infant School prides itself on being an inclusive school that cares for every individual child. In doing so, we promote and deliver a range of strategies to ensure that we comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty.

It is through weekly our weekly themes that are explored in assemblies and learning sessions that give all of our pupils the opportunity to discuss and explore the values that underpin the PSED. Some of these are:

  • Promoting the rights of each individual through our ethos, behaviour policy and curriculum content.
  • Promoting tolerance, individual liberty, friendship and understanding by actively promoting British Values through assemblies and workshops
  • Promoting tolerance, mutual respect and understanding through religious festival days and assemblies.
  • Promoting tolerance and mutual respect through black history month projects and celebration
  • Taking steps to meet the needs of individuals – for example, promoting friendship groups
  • Promoting inclusion, tolerance, friendship and understanding through different aspects of our curriculum. This includes teaching in RE, PSHE and other subjects.
  • In English, a variety of text from a range of cultures will be used.
  • Scientists, historians, artists, poets, engineers and designers who represent the protected characteristics will be embedded within the updated curriculum. Recognising disability awareness day/s
  • Ramp and access to the school premise and building eg toilets.
  • Leading on assemblies to explore and deal with relevant issues
  • Fundraising activities
  • Monitoring and evaluating the attainment and progress of all pupils; looking at the performance of particular groups who share a protected characteristic to compare their performance with those who do not share it.
  • Supporting all staff and children to reach their potential
  • Interventions to maximise the progress of all groups of children
  • Encouraging children who have a particular character to participate fully in all activities – for example; after school clubs, sport lunchtimes, Curriculum trips that meet the needs of all children
  • Active promotion of Green Lane Infant School’s Behaviour policy
  • Active promotion of Green Lane Infant School’s Anti-bullying policy
  • Restorative justice – supporting any tensions between different groups of pupils within the school
  • Service level agreement with a counselling service

Equality Objectives

Objective 1: To analyse statistical data (admissions, attendance, attainment) to ensure that there are not any trends that could be the cause of discriminatory behaviour or actions

Objective 2: To develop the children’s understanding of, and commitment to, the promotion of equality and the elimination of discriminatory practices and beliefs

Objective 3: To close gaps in attainment and achievement between children and all groups of children; especially boys and girls, children eligible for free-school meals, children with special educational needs and disabilities, and looked-after children.

Objective 4: To celebrate the rich variety of individual and group characteristics which constitute our school community, as well as the wider world.

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